She and the Prophet had six children including four daughters and two sons, both of whom died in infancy. The fact that many of the later wives were slaves may be repugnant to 21st-century audiences, but this, too, was standard practice at the time. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Muhammad's 13 wives can be divided into two groups. You might have heard the expressionUmmahat al-Mumineen. Jamila bint Thabit, the wife of Umar and daughter of Thabit ibn Abi al-Aflah and Al-Shamus bint Abi Amir, was also one of the converts to Islam in Medina. Prophet Muhammad sought approval for their marriage from Sawdahs non-Muslim parents. 2. Sahabiyat names are among the best baby girl names for those who follow the Islamic religion. [24] Kashif al-Ghita' is quoted as saying that the Prophet (s) tried to display a prime example of restraint, persistence, and observance of equality and justice through his polygamy.[25]. [10][7] Their early deaths, according to Freedman and McClymond, was detrimental to a hereditary-based system of succession to Muhammad. There are Quranic verses revealed about the Prophets wives, in which certain commands are directed at them: According to the Quranic verse, O wives of the Prophet! This infographic brings unique names with meanings and essence to help you select the best one. As a caring parent, you would want to give your princess a graceful and powerful name that holds deep and noble significance. Zihar was a form of divorce in the pre-Islamic times, and Khawlah was divorced by her husband by this method. She looked after the messenger of Allah after the death of his mother, Aminah. But whoever of you is obedient to Allah and His Apostle and acts righteously, We shall give her a twofold reward, and We will have in store for her a noble provision[26]. The meaning of Arwa is agile, beautiful, or gracefulness and beauty. Al-Nahdiah and her friends are considered one of the earliest converts to Islam. It also means precious. 5. Sahabiyat are often considered the female icons of wisdom, valor, resilience, and honesty. ishah bint Ab Bakr, fondly called the Mother of the Believers, was one of the wives of prophet Muhammad. Together they had six children. In Exodus 2, Moses fled from Egypt after killing an Egyptian whom he had seen beating a Hebrew slave. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The meaning of Najiyah is safe. Aminah bint Wahb, a member of Banu Zuhrah clan, was the mother of Prophet Muhammad. Jamila is a soft and appealing Arabic name, meaning beautiful. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Juwayriyah was married to the Prophet for six years, and lived for another thirty-nine years after his death. Muhammad suggested that Safiyyah convert to Islam, she agreed, and become Muhammads wife. She spent most of her time praying and is considered a role model for all Muslims. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. She hired Muhammad as a business agent but soon came to see him as a suitable husband. [30], According to the Quranic verse, O Prophet! Aishah was raised as a Muslim while most of the close companionswere converts to Islam. Near Masjid An Nabawi, more than tens of thousands of Prophet Muhammads (PBUH) companions and family members are buried. Huda. Fatima was born five years before Prophet Muhammad's prophethood. She died at the age of fifty. Zaynab bint Jahsh: Muhammad's cousin as well as wife, she was described as a small and beautiful woman, with a quick temper that quickly dissipated. great honor of being the custodian of the first. It was some years before she was able to join her husband in Medina. Prophet Muhammads fourth wife was Hafsah, the daughter of one of Prophet Muhammads closest confidantes, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. On this fatwa, it is forbidden to throw accusations against the Prophets wives. It means righteous.. Asm bint Abu Bakr, one of the Sahabiyat of prophet Muhammad was Abu Bakrs daughter and Aishas sister. #islam #shorts #viral #trending #prophet The Prophet (s) refused to meet their demands and withdrew from them for one month until the above verses were revealed. The parents agreed and then directed him to seek approval from Sawdah herself. The meaning of Qutayla is not known. Sahabiyat were female companions of the Prophet Mohammads time. Here is What to Do, Lessons From 6 Womens Stories in the Quran. [28] Furthermore, Quranic exegetes appeal to the Quranic verse, O wives of the Prophet! Their marriage was more friendly than romantic. If Zunairah sounds a bit old-fashioned to you, you can pick Zaneerah, its Roman form. To learn about Prophet Muhammads family, one must reach out to research papers published by various Islamic scholars who throw light of different sources, facts and perspectives and genuinely attempt to draw a clear descent chart of his forefathers and mothers. Learn Religions, Sep. 8, 2021, The Quran has issued rulings concerning how Muslims should treat the Prophets wives: According to the verse, When you ask [his] womenfolk for something, do so from behind a curtain. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Enforcing divine rulings and erasing the wrong beliefs of the period of ignorance (jahiliyya), as in his marriage with Zaynab bt. She was married to Utayba ibn Abi Lahab. The meaning of Asiyah is one who tends to the weak and heals them. Jahsh. Hammanah bint Jahsh, a female Sahabah of prophet Muhammad was Jahsh ibn Riyabs daughter and the first cousin of Muhammad and Ali. [12], It is said that the disagreement over the number of the Prophets wives is because some historians count as the Prophets wives his handmaids as well as women who did not actually live with the Prophet (s) for one reason or another. Zaynab was the first of Prophet Muhammads wives that did not come from the tribe of Quraish. All visitors arriving in the country with a valid visa must provide evidence of a full course of one the four vaccines (vaccine certificates for COVID 19). With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in wri more. Afraa means blonde or fair skinned. While Shia scholars as well as some Sunni scholars criticize the practice of some of the Prophets wives in events following the Prophets demise, including Aishas role in waging the Battle of Jamal and her enmity towards Imam 'Ali (a),[2] they never accused them of unchastity, and indeed, they believe that it is impermissible to insult them. Hafsah was able to both read and write and, like Aishah, memorized the entire Quran. Her name is just gorgeous, meaning smooth, soft, fluent, flowing. Aisha (R.A.) was the only wife of the Prophet (S.A.W.) [32] As suggested in Tafsir-i nimuna, the verse was revealed when some of the Prophets wives express complaints about their life conditions. Later, he returned to his wife`s home in Madinah, where he fell ill for several days. Umm Ayman, the daughter of Thaalaba bin Amr, was the second mother of prophet Muhammad. The two Sahabiyats with this name were Khairah bint Ab Hadrad and Khairah, the wife of Ka`b bin Malik al-Ansari. 4. Their names are as follows:Wife NameAge at the time of NikkahWife's StatusYearProphet's AgeWife's AgeDiedBuriedBefore NikkahOtherKhateeja15 B.N254010 A . She was both pious and intelligent and would spend hours pondering over the verses of the Quran. However, some Wahhabis have claimed that the Shias accuse some of the Prophets wives of unchastity. Soon she converted to Islam and married Muhammad. Hammanah is a variation of the name Hamna, meaning blessed sparrow of haven. Zayd are mentioned among the Prophets wives. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Not much is known about Sarinnah, except for the fact that she totally devoted herself to Islam. According to most sources she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they married. Lubaynah, or Lubena, is an endearing name, meaning pure milk or just purity. They were his wives in this dunya and will be his wives in the akhirah. Sawdah had a reputation for being a kind, charitable and jovial woman. She was both pious and intelligent and would spend hours pondering over the verses of the Quran. The names of the daughters of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. : She was said to have been around 55 when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) married her. Khadija means premature daughter. The Shia historians, however, believe that she and her two sisters (Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad and Ruqayyah bint Muhammad) were orphaned nieces of Khadija (daughters of Halah bint Khuwailid) who were adopted by Muhammad after his marriage to Khadija. Viewed 33k times. 1.Zainab bint Muhammad Zainab was the oldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). : She became a Muslim at the same time as her mother. Hafsah was able to both read and write and, like Aishah, memorized the entire Quran. The second generation of Muslims after Sahabas are called Tabiun, which means successors. Verses in the Quran were revealed to deal with this matter and by marrying Zaynab, Prophet Muhammad demonstrated that in Islam an adopted son is not the same as a natural son. Prevention of any abuse of power: if marriage with the Prophets wives was allowed, some people could gain a social advantage through such marriage, or they could distort Islamic doctrines under the pretext that they had a special access to his ideas. There is, nevertheless, a hadith quoted by al-Shaykh al-Saduq from Imam al-Baqir (a) to the effect that Umm Habiba's mahr was 4,000 dirhams. Umar, Umm Salama, Zaynab bt. The meaning of this lilting name, also spelled Rumaisa, is a bunch of flowers. While she lived, Muhammad took no other wives. [55] The mahr determined by the Prophet (s) for his wives, and according to al-Shaykh al-Saduq, for his daughters,[56] is called "mahr al-sunna" (the mahr of the tradition). She died just eight months after getting married to Muhammad. Theres only one known Sahabiyat with this name, Fasham bint Aws. Aftermarriageshe and the Prophet became extremely close and manyahadithattest to this fact. Sarinnah, meaning beautiful is one of the gorgeous Sahabiyat names on our list. Among her notable attainments were that she was the only wife that was with the Prophet when he received revelation and it was in Aishahs arms that the Prophet died. He was the son of Leah, Jacob's first wife. She, along with her husband Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib and daughter Umama emigrated to Medina in 622. Her husband passed away in exile and she was left a poor widow with small children. Her father was the brother of Zaynab bint Jahsh, a wife of the prophet Muhammad. In addition to being a prophet, a statesman, and a community leader, the Prophet Muhammad, who was born in 570, was a family man. Sobia was a lady who tended and nursed Prophet Muhammad when he was young. Know more. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [19] However, critics have noted favoritism towards his daughter Fatima in refusing her husband Alis pursuit of a second wife, despite the Islamic legality of polygyny. In March 632, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took his last pilgrimage to Makkah and delivered his last sermon at Mount Arafat. It is an additional rulings, specific to the Prophets wives:[48] there had to be a curtain between them and men, to prevent faultfinding about them[49] and to protect their honor.[50]. [20] While there is evidence that Fatima was the favorite daughter,[21][22][9] Sunni traditions that place Ali in a negative light should be treated with caution as they mirror the political agenda of the time, according to Buehler. Meaning Prophetess, Ramla is an Egyptian name. Also spelled Raitah, which means narrator of hadith, Rayta is a lovely option for your baby girl. 71 Windsor St, Salisbury, SP2 7EA, UK, All Children and Wives Names Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Khuzayma, Hafsa bt. Maria bint Shamn, also known as Maria al-Qibtiyya, was one of the slaves the Egyptian Coptic had gifted to prophet Muhammad. There were three Sahabiyats with this moniker, Barakah bint Tha`labah, Barakah al-Habashiyyah and Barakah bint Yasaar. She was the wife of Ali and mother of Hasan and Husayn. Aishah was one of only three of Prophet Muhammads wives who memorized the entire Quran. Jahdamah With this union, Sawdahs and the Prophets households merged and the Prophet had more time to carry out the prophetic mission. This beautiful Sahabi name has an appeal and attention of several parents. Zunairah was one of the slaves freed by Abu Bakr. Prophet Muhammad sought approval for their marriage from Sawdahs non-Muslim parents. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. These wives are the wife of Noah, and the wives of each of his three sons. : Maria was gifted to Muhammad as a slave in 628 and gave birth to Ibrahim, one of Muhammads three sons. According to Quranic exegetes, these commands are not restricted to the Prophets wives, although they are more emphatic in their case. Hiswives are known as the "Mothers of the Believers." Explore the history behind the sacred Sahabiyat names, along with their meanings. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. She was the third daughter and 5th child of Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadija (RA). Amrah basically means a headdress, such as a hat or a turban, but people used it as a given name back in those days. "God sets forth an example to those who disbelieve: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot, they were both under two of Our righteous servants, but they acted treacherously towards them so they availed them naught against God, and it was said: Enter both the fire with those who enter." Qur'an, Sura 66 (At-Tahrim), ayat 10. Umm Rumn Zaynab bint mir ibn Uwaymir ibn Abd Shams ibn Attab Al-Kinaniyah was Abu Bakrs wife and Aishas mother. Only two survived him: Zainab and Fatimah. We also detailed the meaning of each name to help you choose one that suits her and closely matches your baby girls personality. Visitors are advised to check the current entry requirements with their chosen airline before purchasing a ticket. Muhammad's decision to marry them freed manyfrom slavery. Here are some detailed biographies of the Prophet's children, starting with the eldest. She and her husband were among the first to leave Mecca bound for Medina when she was forced to endure separation from her husband and the abduction of her son. She was one of the first women to embrace Islam in Mecca and stayed steadfast even when people told her to renounce her new religion. The parents agreed and then directed him to seek approval from Sawdah herself. Fatimah was the youngest daughter of Muhammad and Khadija. Then after the death of her sister Ruqayya, Uthman married Umm Kulthum. Aisha Stacey is the mother of three adult children. He died just after three years of marriage. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the first and only son of Amina bint Wahb and Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalib. Their marriage was an astute political alliance. Ab l-Qsim Zdih, Majd and Kim Nizhd, Mihr. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Prophet Muhammad's fourth wife was Hafsah, the daughter of one of Prophet Muhammad's closest confidantes, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. [39] According to Quranic exegetes, this is a general ruling, extending to all Muslim women. The meaning of Salma is peace. A case in point is his marriage with Aisha. Jumanah bint Abi Talib, was Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalibs daughter and the first cousin of prophet Muhammad. Ramla bint Abi Sufyan, also known as Umm Habiba, was a wife of Muhammad and the Mother of the Believers. Despite her conversion, Muhammads other wives teased Safiyyah about her Jewish origin. Khadjah was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Qutayla or Qutaylah bint Abd-al-Uzza was the first wife of Abu Bakr, a companion of the prophet. Huda is an educator, school administrator, and author who has more than two decades of experience researching and writing about Islam online. They were his wives in thisdunyaand will be his wives in theakhirah. 'noble'), and are respected in the Muslim community. Salma bint Umays of the Khathaam tribe was one of the earliest female companions of Prophet Muhammad. All Children and Wives Names Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Haniya Hassan June 16, 2022 Children Names Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH you will find in this article, that he had 7 children from 2 of his wives Khadija (RA) and Maria (RA). This mystical baby name, meaning beautiful, has a nice ring to it. His last ten wives were either widows of fallen comrades and allies or women who had been enslaved when their tribes were conquered by the Muslims. Safiyyah bint Huyayy was one of the wives of Muhammad, who became actively involved in the power politics of the Muslim community after the death of her husband. This translates into English as the Mothers of the Believers and this is a title that refers to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She is credited with narrating more than 2000 ahadith and became noted for her sharp intelligence, love of learning and impeccable judgment. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. FAQs - Islamic Girl Names Conclusion - Islamic Girl Names Best Muslim Girl Names Here are ten popular and meaningful Muslim girl names: Aisha - meaning "living, life, womanly" Fatima - meaning "to abstain, to wean, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad" Hafsa - meaning "gathering, collecting, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad" Age of Khadija on marriage: 40 years. Safiyya is one of the most used Muslim names, meaning pure. The name Maria means sea of bitterness or sea of sorrow. [40], According to the verse, Maintain the prayer and pay the zakat, and obey Allah and His Apostle[41], the Prophets wives should say prayers, pay the zakat, and obey God and the Prophet (s). Mary, the daughter of Imran, was the best among the women (of the world of her time) and Khadijah is the best amongst the women (of this nation). Zaynabwas the first of Prophet Muhammads wives that did not come from the tribe ofQuraish. In 2006 Aisha returned to university for a second time and completed at Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Writing. [37], The Quranic verse, Stay in your houses and do not flaunt your finery like the former [days of pagan] ignorance[38], asks the Prophets wives to stay in their houses and not display their bodies or adornments to others, as was customary in the period of ignorance. Hafsah had been married at a young age and participated in the migrations to both Abyssinia and Medina. There were over 20 female Sahabiyats with this name, including Farwah al-Juhani, Farwah Abu Tameem al-Aslami, and Farwah bin Qais al-Kindi. Whenever Fatima entered Prophet Muhammad's rooms . Firozah, which sounds like the male name Firoz, means turquoise. After converting to Islam and suffering persistent oppression, Umm Habibah and her husband joined the migration to Abyssinia. She converted to Islam as soon as Muhammad revealed himself as the Prophet. The Prophet had three companions named Atheelah, which is quite an uncommon name these days. : She was a widow and had immigrated to both Madinah and Abyssinia. Ayman is a unisex name but is mostly used for girls. The vaccination registration website address is: Visitors arriving in Saudi Arabia are also required to provide a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours before departure and an approved paper vaccination certificate, issued by the official health authorities in the issuing country. Afraa: There were two Sahabiyats named Afraa: Afraa' bint al-Sakan and Afraa' bint Ubaid. His interests include traveling, writing, and exploring trending technologies. Haniya is a business graduate from York University and an Islamic Information news correspondent. Prophet Muhammad's fourth wife was Hafsah, the daughter of one of Prophet Muhammad's closest confidantes, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. She was an extremely beautiful woman and was pursued by many men, but she rejected advances of all of them. It was after Khadijas demise and his migration to Medina that he married other women. Hadhrat Zaiinab, Ruqaiyyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah were the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) children. Hafsa means young lioness. Why and When Do Muslim Girls Wear the Hijab? Banu Nadir had been expelled from Madinah and settled at Khaybar. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. She probably would have had to help take care of all the animals that were on the ark. Abd Allh al-. David's remaining children that we know of were born in Jerusalem to unnamed wives. Umm Salamah narrated more than 300hadiths, many of them concerning women. The name Bareerah is unique, pleasant and modern too. [15] Mariya gave birth to Ibrahim. Who are the Mothers of the Believers? Umm Kulthum remained childless whereas Ruqayya gave birth to a boy Abd Allah, who died at the age of six. Fatima bint Muhammed (Az-Zahrah) Fatima was the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Reading and researching about the life story of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also gives insight about his ancestry. [58] It is said that Imam al-Baqir (a) referred to this mahr as an exception case, which was paid by al-Najashi, the ruler of Abyssinia who served as the Prophets representative in asking Umm Habiba for marriage, although the Prophet did not object to that mahr. 2022 The Islamic Information - Duplication not allowed. The Women in the Prophet Muhammad's Family. [20] The following are some of the reasons provided for the Prophets polygamy: Seeking the support of great Arabian tribes and clans and reinforcement of his political and social influence through establishing affinities. Nevertheless, there have criticisms against Aisha for her practice after the Prophets demise, including her role in waging the Battle of Jamal. He accepted. [2][3] Most Shia Muslims, however, hold that Fatima was the only biological daughter of Muhammad. [42] 'Allama Tabataba'i says that, of all rulings, this verse picks out the prayer and the zakat, which is because they constitute the tenets of all worships and transactions, respectively, other commands being included in the obedience of God and the Prophet (s). Powerful Dua For Parents - Mother and Father, Laylatul Qadr: Important Duas For 27th Night of Ramadan, You Can Skip Jummah Prayer On Eid Day, Saudi Scholars Fatwa, Crown Prince Fazza Grants Golden Visas To Imams and Muslim Scholars, Importance and Benefits Of The Last Ten Surahs of the Holy Quran, 5 Must Recite Duas For The Last Ashra Of Ramadan, Nabeez, A Blessed Drink That Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Consumed, 9 Prophet Muhammad PBUH Habits Which Science Proved Later, Farewell Ramadan Jummah, Saying Goodbye To Ramadan with Duas, Dua For First, Second and Third Ashra Of Ramadan, Reason Why Sleeping or Lying On Your Stomach Is Prohibited In Islam, Imam Kaaba Suggested Us Doing These Three Things In Last Ashra of Ramadan, Blasphemous Film Maker Converts To Islam And Visited Holy Mosque, Top 10 Influential Famous Islamic Scholars 2019 Edition, This Is What Is Written On The Cover Of The Holy Kaaba. 20 female Sahabiyats with this moniker, Barakah bint Tha ` labah, Barakah bint Tha ` labah, bint! 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