While praising the people who built Masjid Quba, Allah says, Therein are men who love to cleanse themselves; and Allah loves those who cleanse themselves. (9:108), When this verse was revealed, the Prophet asked the people of Quba, What do you do when cleaning yourselves that Allah has praised you for it? They said, We cleanse ourselves after emptying the bowels with water. 13. al-Mughni (2/492): The urine and faeces of animals whose flesh may be eaten is However, it is better to wash three times. feces, blood, or vomit) on ones furniture or carpet, one purifies the area by washing it with water until the filth is completely removed, even if it only takes one washing. If the 85. Is it possible to purify the a `ayan najisah? taahir. The urine of edible animals. Its only example is of the wine changing into vinegar. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told a group of people who came A few examples of a najis thing changing into a tahir thing: A najis wood changes into ashes. Some Muslims try to interpret the word unclean in spiritual sense only. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. Kafir dhimmi is a kafir who lives under the protection of an Islamic government. eaten is taahir, then it does not have to be washed off if it gets onto 2. " This is the view of 'Ataa', An-Nakh'i, At-Thawri and Maalik. Kabshah said: He saw me looking at him and said, Do you find it strange, O daughter of my brother? I said, Yes. He said, The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, They (cats) are not najis, rather they are of those who go around amongst you. (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 92; al-Nasai, 68; Abu Dawood, 75; Ibn Majah, 367. classed as sahih by al-Albani. Khawarij (s. khariji) are those who rebelled against Imam 'Ali bin Abi First among the mutahhirat is water. Log in, //