Essential Oils and Guinea Pigs: Are Essential Oils Safe for Guinea Pigs? You can easily find a guinea pig at the pet store, but before you shop consider checking your local shelter or rescue. The most common illnesses of guinea pigs include signs of low vitamin C (such as bone and teeth issues, bruising and abnormal bleeding), respiratory infection, dental issues, diarrhea, skin rashes and infection (such as ringworm), pregnancy-related issues, and arthritis. Constant vomiting and diarrhea are common sick signs in guinea pigs. If left untreated, the cysts may continue to grow and could potentially burst. Clues to recognizing breathing issues are: Guinea pigs can also breathe heavily due to cold or stress. Guinea pigs require healthy functioning digestion for living. 5 Common Health Issues in Guinea Pigs. This parasitic infection is caused by poor hygiene leading to bald spots and hair loss in guinea pigs. Drooling. It might make them feel safer, and therefore theyll stop biting. It is crucial to understand all the signs of a dying guinea pig so you can take good care of them in those last days, and it will also prepare you for those tough times. If a guinea pig becomes infected, the illness may take several courses: 1) infection may spread to the bloodstream and cause sudden death; 2) infected guinea pigs may lose weight, develop diarrhea, and die over the course of 3 to 4 weeks; 3) lymph nodes in the neck or shoulder may enlarge; or 4) your pet may be infected without seeming sick. When guinea pigs approach their last hours, they experience some unusual changes in their vital signs. This is best done by a veterinarian. The molars in the back of the mouth are often the cause of this problem, even though teeth in the front of the mouth may seem normal. [5] Alfalfa hay is high in calories and calcium. Thread starter mekalika Start date Apr 7, 2013; mekalika Active Member. Normally, these compounds are utilized as energy, mainly for the brain, when blood sugar (insulin) levels are low. ???? They may occur at the same time as pneumonia or other respiratory disease. Hair loss in guinea pigs has a number of possible causes. However, both males and females can mature and be fertile even earlier. Some of the symptoms exhibited in calcium deficiency are similar to those of ketosis; it is, however, a less severe condition. She is currently getting young guinea pig pellets and hay by oxbow. Benign skin tumors called trichofolliculomas can occur in guinea pigs, commonly at the base of the tail. To confirm the diagnosis, your veterinarian may use ultrasonography or x-rays. Others may have a range of signs such as rough fur coat, fecal staining of the fur around the anal area, loose stools, hunched posture, dull eyes, dehydration, pain when the abdomen is touched, fever, or a low body temperature. Pneumonia in guinea pigs is usually caused by bacterial infection (most often Bordetella bronchiseptica, but other bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Streptococcus zooepidemicus may also be the cause). According to the Guinness book of the world record, the guinea pig named Snowball lived the longest, 14 years, whereas the average life expectancy of guinea pigs is 5-8 years. Dystocia (difficulty giving birth) is caused by the normal stiffening of the tough fibrous cartilage that joins the 2 pubic bones. Their warning signs are just the tip of the iceberg, but certainly the most important signs to get familiar with. Abortion occurs 1-4 weeks after infection, so the abortuses are autolyzed. Why does it occur: If youre petting your guinea pig and get too close to their head, or put your hand directly on top of their head, theyll push their head upwards as a sign of you to remove your hand. Water is vital for life. Each guinea pig has its own amniotic sac, which the mother will clean and ingest. Guinea pigs are also prone to urinary stones or 'calculi' - a serious condition. Parasite infestations. (Causes & What to Do), What Should Guinea Pig Poop Look Like? A guinea pig's coat can have textures like satin, curly, smooth, plush, or rosettes. So, lets get right into the 10 signs that indicate your guinea pig is dying. Antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary because their use can worsen the imbalance of bacteria in the digestive tract. Antibiotics are the treatment for myiasis. Please don't have them together under any circumstances.. it only takes a second and your little girl may not be lucky enough to survive another pregnancy. The signs of arthritis in guinea pigs include: Increase in-ear wax buildup Doesn't enjoy being handled or touched Difficulty moving around Difficulty in eating cecotropes Strange, wobbly walk Losing the balance on their back legs Difficulty jumping over small objects or onto high surfaces Reduced grooming, especially around their bottom Ketosis, also known as pregnancy toxemia, occurs when a guinea pigs body produces too many ketones, which are a normal byproduct of metabolism. Animals with severe pododermatitis may require amputation of the affected area to avoid more serious complications. you can check this by having her on a table facing you. Guinea pigs that are infested with lice do not usually have signs, but in severe cases lice can cause itching, hair loss, and inflammation of the skin around the neck and ears. She was a bit bloody down in that area, and I gave her a rinse with warm water and dried her off. Guinea pigs don't like surprises- it goes against their prey nature. Subscribe to our FREE guinea pig newsletter. Hope both are okay x. I wouldn't let your two guinea pigs play together even with supervision because it's likely to stress them out. Watch any guinea pig receiving antibiotic treatment carefully. When Odin the guinea pig was adopted, his owners Chris Dunham and Melissa Travis Dunham named him after the one-eyed Norse god due to a diagnosis of eyelid agenesis, which was hindering the little mammal's quality of life. Mum not being well is very worrying. And to observe the capillary refill time of guinea pigs, what you can do is open their mouth and gently press it against gums around teeth; as you press it with slight force, you will notice the light color. The teeth of a guinea pig nearing their senior years may start to chip or break. Cesarean sections are very risky for guinea pigs and the survival rate for the mother is poor. The more you spend time with your guinea pigs, the more you become aware of how much they make you run and jump around them and how active they are. Hello everyone. Its not exhaustive but it does list the vets and practices where members have noted they have been cavy savvy. Weight Loss 9. If you hear your guinea pigs making abnormal sounds, it must be a sign that they are not feeling well. One way to increase dietary fiber is to provide hay in addition to commercial guinea pig feed. Guinea pigs usually give birth during the day. Eyelid agenesis, a congenital disease more commonly seen in cats, occurs when the animal is essentially missing its eyelid, often resulting in damage to the cornea . These pups may die within a few days of birth, or may live for several years. It may cause pneumonia Pneumonia Health problems among guinea pigs that live alone are usually related to aging, dental disease, reproductive disorders, injury, or improper care. This footpad inflammation, or pododermatitis, is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that enter the footpads through cuts or scrapes. Signs of constipation include: A distended stomach Lack of droppings in pet's cage Lethargy Straining during a bowel movement 2 Monitor the situation carefully. Why does it occur: Some guinea pigs will never bite, while others bite for the love of it. The organism has unique ultrastructures, and its genus and species are yet to be determined. Infections due to lice, mites, or fungus. Source:Health issues in Guinea Pigs,Disorders and Diseases of Guinea Pigs,Disease Problems of Guinea Pigs,Biology and Diseases of Guinea Pigs. Most disease treatments should include extra vitamin C. Diarrhea and other illnesses may cause your guinea pig to become dehydrated. Overgrown teeth and jaws that do not close properly should be corrected. There are a few physical signs that can indicate that a guinea pig is pregnant, such as enlarged nipples and a change in behavior. Approximately every five minutes, a new pup will be born. The usual cause of this problem is a bacterial infection, most often with Streptococcus equi subsp. Guinea pig herpes-like virus (GPHLV) is an unassigned species in the family Herpesviridae ( Fauquet, 2005). Preventing exposure to stress in the last few weeks of pregnancy may also help. Loss of appetite during the late stages of pregnancy (leading to low blood sugar levels), Lack of exercise near the end of pregnancy (ketone bodies are not used as energy and build-up in the blood), Underdeveloped blood vessels in the uterus (an inherited condition). If youre worried about your sick guinea pig passing something on to other guinea pigs sharing the same cage, you may want to separate them just to be safe. These include obesity, large litter size, loss of appetite during the late stages of pregnancy, insufficient exercise, environmental stress, and underdeveloped blood vessels in the uterus (an inherited condition). Some stress can also cause terror. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The average lifespan for a guinea pig is about 4 to 8 years. Why Is My Guinea Pig Breathing Fast? To prevent ketosis, make sure your guinea pig eats a high quality food throughout pregnancy, while limiting the amount in order to prevent obesity. Tumors in guinea pigs are sometimes treatable, but this depends on the type of the tumor and . All guinea pigs that are infected with these bacteria or that have lived in close quarters with an infected guinea pig must be euthanized, and the living quarters must be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected. The vet put our piggy on an antibiotic plus a pain/inflammation reducer. Signs indicating that your guinea pig will pass away anytime soon include loss of appetite, lethargy, breathing issues, frequent changes in body temperature, pulse rate, and other essential life functions. The sooner you know about the signs of death in your guinea pigs, the better you will manage the last few days of your guinea pigs life. Fungal skin infection (ringworm) in guinea pigs is most often caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Other sources of . If guinea pigs appear to shake or shiver even when there is a warm environment in their surroundings, it is a sign that they are in a state of shock. When you bring a new guinea pig home, its a good idea to find a vet in your area that treats guinea pigs and take your new pet in for an initial checkup to establish care. If the infection spreads from the middle ear to the inner ear, your pet may show nervous system problems such as imbalance, head tilt, walking in circles, or rolling on the ground. You may want to consult a vet if your guinea pig is acting in either of these manners. Infestations can be minimized or prevented by making sure that living quarters are clean and sanitary and by minimizing your pets stress levels. This helps me keep vet costs down as the specialist charges quite a bit more. If you've been exposed to LCMV, you may develop symptoms within a week or two, but not everyone exposed to the virus becomes sick as a result. Lymph nodes are glands located throughout the body that help fight infection. GuineaHub may earn a small affiliate commission, if you click on a product and decide to buy it. If it appears that your guinea pigs are not as active as before, show no interest in playing, do not wish to do any physical activity for once, then sadly, these might be the signals that they are dying. May they be little angels looking down on her! And if she acts lethargic or stops eating/drinking, to bring her in for emergency care right away. Learn More. Skin rashes, flaky skin or hair loss. The teeth of guinea pigs grow continuously throughout the animals life. Blood in the urine. She doesn't appear to be bleeding anymore. Though, if your guinea pigs have health issues and sickness accompanied by the below-mentioned signs, then that means their life will come to an end soon. Earlier today we found two round bloody balls with her in her hiding tube. Your guinea pig has stopped grooming themselves, 6. Charlotte is fine, and the vet didn't feel anymore babies inside her, so that's good. No doubt, there are differences in the energy levels of every guinea pig. It seems to me that she miscarried an early pregnancy. Guinea pigs without signs of illness may carry Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria in the nose or throat. These are also known as multisystemic or generalized diseases. You should understand these signs, which indicate that your guinea pig will not have much time left. Your guinea pigs have a hard time catching a breath, 8. She seems to be pretty young herself, which might be why the pregnancy didnt make it, but Im not sure. Guinea pigs may also develop vitamin C deficiency even if the dietary level of vitamin C is appropriate. If these body vitals start changing their degrees from average or show frequent changes day by day, it is time to call a vet. Female guinea pigs that reproduce have shortened lifespans and tend to live approximately 3.5 years. The heart works hard 24/7 to pump blood through the kidneys. Signs include hair loss over the abdomen, loss of appetite, and loss of energy. They may have a rough hair coat, lose their appetite, lose weight, have diarrhea, become ill, or die suddenly. Watch this video to recognize if a pig is in labor. The bald patches may be flaky, crusty, or red. You must log in or register to reply here. ANSWERS: 2. onzanzabarsands. Treatment for pneumonia can include fluids (to ward off dehydration), syringe feeding if necessary, oxygen therapy to help with breathing, and vitamin C. If the pneumonia is caused by bacterial infection, your veterinarian will likely prescribe antibiotics. On the other hand, a depressed guinea pig will not display much energy. This could be complicated by the fact that many veterinarians dont treat small animals like guinea pigs. Young guinea pigs that are weaning from their mothers may have hair thinning as their coat changes to coarser adult fur. 5. Thanks for the help, will try it out tho she hasn't stopped eating she just reduced it, and also my vet recommended me to try and feeding her a "energetic supplement" called nutr-plus gel. Scurvy. o [ canine influenza] Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! Digestive disorders in guinea pigs may be caused by infections or by an improper diet. Some signs of infection include inflammation of the eye, fever, lack of energy, poor appetite, rough hair coat, enlarged spleen and liver, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). By nature, guinea pigs are physically very energetic. In the laboratory, guinea pigs are infected and efficiently transmit influenza viruses to naive hosts without showing any overt clinical signs of disease . This type of hair chewing is referred to as barbering and may also occur in bored guinea pigs housed alone. 1. Sorry for your loss of the pups. Guinea pigs have a lengthy pregnancy cycle, which may last anywhere between 59 and 72 days. Guinea pigs with serious medical conditions can die within 24 to 72 hours, so you may not have a lot of time to wait around. After releasing pressure, how much time the gums take to get back to the natural color will tell you the capillary refill time. Cancer is uncommon in guinea pigs until they reach the age of at least four years old, then of which between 1/6 and 1/4 of guinea pigs develop tumors [2] [13]. Why does it occur: This sound is often accompanied by a vibrating body, and it usually occurs when youre stroking it from the head towards the back/bottom. But how will you know if its something serious? The vet I took her to is exclusively an exotics vet. Posture Changes 6. Here are the typical vital signs of a guinea pig's body: They have 42-105 breaths per minute. Usually the teeth will stop right away. Left untreated, convulsions and death may result. They seemed very knowledgeable. Drinking too much or playing with the water bottle. Supplement the mother guinea pig's diet with calcium. Treatment of infectious diseases can be complicated by the fact that guinea pigs are more sensitive to antibiotics than other types of pets. One of these signs may be an underlying health condition followed by some other signs. Your email address will not be published. Ketosis, which may be irreversible, can develop even in guinea pigs that begin to eat again. Guinea pigs can live up to 14 years in human care but live an average of 8 years. Although we know that a guinea pig's pregnancy will last about two months, it is impossible to know the exact day of delivery. Although it occurs most often in pregnant female guinea pigs, ketosis can also develop in obese guinea pigs, male or female. We respect your privacy and you can unsubscribe at any time. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Mummification, maceration, stillbirths, and weak pigs are also seen. (Things You Should Know), more you spend time with your guinea pigs, Guinea pigs are good at grooming themselves, How To Get Rid Of Matted Guinea Pig Hair? Your guinea pig is making some unusual noises, How Long Can Guinea Pigs Go Without Food? Signs of your guinea pig aging include: Thickened, twisted toes on their paws Cataracts (visible as cloudy eyes) Tumors/growths around the body or head Visible stiffness in the joints or hobbling movement Significant loss of energy (lethargy) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Female guinea pigs that are used for breeding should be bred for the first time before they reach adulthood. Domesticated guinea pigs can live appropriately up to 8-10 years if kept inside the house well confined. The outlook for survival is poor; most guinea pigs only live a few weeks after diagnosis. I came home today and saw bloody, chicken nugget sized sacks near my female guinea pig. Soecara, thank you for your advice. Different people keep guinea pigs regardless of their sexes for different reasons. No skimping on plentiful grass hay, fresh water, and vitamin C. The guinea pig diet is mainly hay; we're talking about 80% hay. Infection spreads between guinea pigs through bite wounds, cuts or scrapes in the skin or in the mouth, sneezing, coughing, or genital contact. Death is the hardest part of life, no matter how unconditionally you love your guinea pigs. Later on in the pregnancy (by day 50-60), though, you will notice that the abdomen is getting bigger. Diagnosis is based on demonstration of leptospires in fetal tissues or stomach contents. Your veterinarian can diagnose ringworm by culturing hair samples for fungal growth or (in some cases) by shining an ultraviolet light on affected skin. The male and female guinea pigs go by different names. Pets. Changes in the type of feed or water or in the bowl or bottle that your pet eats or drinks from may also trigger loss of appetite. Your veterinarian can diagnose this condition by examination and laboratory tests. Signs of illness are similar to those seen in other viral or bacterial infections and include breathing difficulties, discharge from the nose, and weight loss. Change in activity level or lethargy. What are the signs that your guinea pig is dying? (Normal & Abnormal Poop). As per studies, elder guinea pigs show less interest in eating than younger guinea pigs. The antibiotic may be compounded into a suspension given by mouth, which should then be given as directed. Here are some common signs of illness in guinea pigs: If your guinea pig is showing signs of illness, its important to see a veterinarian sooner rather than later. All pet guinea pigs come from the same species, after all. Treatment depends on whether the infection is in the outer ear canal, middle ear, or inner ear. The trusted provider of veterinary information since 1955, Description and Physical Characteristics of Guinea Pigs, Last review/revision Nov 2019 | Modified Oct 2022. They are seen in chocolate, black, beige, lilac, cream, red, golden, and slate colors. Because treating health issues in guinea pigs can be difficult, its important for pet owners to know the basics about common health problems so they can see the signs early. Other animals, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and mice, may be infected with these bacteria without showing any signs of illness, so pet owners should avoid letting their guinea pigs come into contact with other animals. Pigs infected with serovars Pomona and Bratislava can become chronic renal carriers. How to prevent it: The easiest way to keep your guinea pig from biting you, is to take note of what situations that cause it to bite. If it changes, it could be a sign your guinea pig is distressed, bored, ill or injured. Also, the presence of moisture, urine, and waste on your guinea pigs skin is a deadly signal. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. Any abnormal change in urine and waste of guinea pigs can also be the reason for their death. How to prevent it: This is the easiest one to get out of, simply by not covering your guinea pigs eyes with your hand. And it occurs when guinea pigs start avoiding food, which leads to slowing down digestion. The fact that many veterinarians dont treat small animals like guinea pigs are also prone to stones... Months of age ( 55 to 70 days ) video to recognize if a pig is distressed, bored ill! Slate colors vitamin C is appropriate the footpads through cuts or scrapes mature and be even... Much energy dont treat small animals like guinea pigs may also help chronic. To 70 days ) other signs them feel safer, and insights from our veterinary community weekly. Given by mouth, which might be why the pregnancy ( by day 50-60 ), though you. Kept inside the house well confined the tough fibrous cartilage that joins the pubic. 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